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Combating & preventing homelessness is a top priority for me. My leadership in my city has produced an intersectional approach to solving homelessness - housing, services, and community safety - that has delivered results. In addition to inclusionary housing, I have championed production of transitional, supportive, and long-term affordable housing solutions. 


We must lead countywide with a system of care that supports and keeps people safe. I initiated my city’s request to have dedicated Mental Evaluation Teams (MET), which combine a clinically-trained social worker with a public safety professional to respond to relevant calls. I support further investment in behavioral health response teams for relevant calls, as well as coordinated response with public safety professionals when needed.


We must invest in establishing teams to meet people where they are with the relevant support and resources they need - including mental health services, addiction recovery, and job training - instead of leaving them to face the challenges of navigating through an endless bureaucratic process on their own. We must invest in solutions that take into account the root causes, rather than wastefully spending more public dollars without solving the foundational problems.

Paid for by Lindsey Horvath for Supervisor 2022 - FPPC # 1437724

16633 Ventura Blvd, #1008, Encino, California 91436

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